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Monday, February 28, 2011

How to properly care for cast iron skillet

How to Season
Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.
Wash new cast iron cookware with warm soapy water and promptly towel dry. Generously coat cookware with vegetable shortening. Bake in oven for 1 hour.
Remove skillet from oven and rub again to redistribute oil. Place in the oven and bake again for 1 hour. Remove from oven. Wipe excess oil off with paper towels, then allow to cool before storing. Store in a cool, dry place, with paper towels below and on top of skillet to protect shelves and skillet.

How to Clean
After cooking, clean utensil with a stiff nylon brush and hot water. Using soap is not recommended, and harsh detergents should never be used. (Avoid putting a hot utensil into cold water. Thermal shock can occur causing the metal to warp or crack).

TIP: If you are having trouble removing stuck-on food, boil some water in your pan for a few minutes to loosen residue, making it easier to remove.

Towel dry immediately and apply a light coating of oil to the utensil while it is still warm.

TIP: Do not let your cast iron air dry, as this can promote rust.
Store in a cool, dry place. If you have a cover, or lid, for your utensil, place a folded paper towel in between lid and utensil allowing air to circulate. This prevents moisture from collecting inside the utensil, which can cause rust.

TIP: The oven is a great place to store your cast iron; just remember to remove it before turning on the oven.
NEVER wash in dishwasher.

If for some reason your utensil develops a metallic smell or taste, or perhaps rust spots (maybe a well-meaning relative washed your utensil in the dishwasher or with soap thinking they were being helpful), never fear. Simply scour off the rust using a very fine grade of sandpaper or steel wool.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday PluggedIn Video Review


It's not easy being blue … and having a head shaped like a light bulb … and having a nemesis who's perfect.

When Megamind was just a baby, his parents jettisoned him from their exploding planet and sent him off to a new homeland called Earth. The only problem was that another newborn was launched from a different collapsing world at the same time. (D'oh!)

That other tyke touched gently down in a life of luxury. But Mega crash-landed behind prison walls to be raised by criminals. The other guy grew up to be handsome, superduper and adored. Our skinny blue hero? Well, let's just say, not so much. (Ugh.)

The two are constantly thrown together and seem destined to be rivals. And since the now full-grown Metro Man has all the heroic bases covered—along with being superfast, über-strong and invulnerable—well, Megamind figures that leaves him with only one choice: He'll be the villain. (Sigh.)

But if he's destined to be bad, he'll be the smartest, evilest and most well-equipped supervillain the world has ever seen! So Megamind dreams, schemes and kidnaps Roxanne—the pretty reporter rumored to be his superfoe's girl—and invents elaborate superguy traps. Metro Man, of course, flies in to save the day. Again. And again. And again. (Grrr.)

Then one day the oddest thing happens: The bad guy wins. Metro Man is no more, and Megamind rules Metro City. Somehow, though, not having a hero to fight makes everything so … pointless. The blue brainiac determines that something must be done about that. Even if it means applying all his superior genius to creating a new hero from the DNA of his fallen foe. (Broo-ha-ha!)

Positive Elements

The fact is, like Phineas and Ferb's Dr. Doofenshmirtz before him, Megamind really isn't a bad guy. But since he doesn't look the part of the hero and is constantly running afoul of the really popular fellow, he figures he's destined to be a villain. With time though, Megamind comes to understand that you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. Roxanne reminds moviegoers that it's our actions that count, not the way we look or what others expect from us. And as for the question of destiny, Megamind clearly states, "Destiny is not the path that's given to us, but the path that we choose for ourselves."

As Roxanne stumbles onto the truth about Megamind (that he doesn't really want to be bad) we all come to realize that the scoundrel with the bulging noggin isn't as despicable as we first thought.

The importance of friendship is emphasized as well. Megamind's little blue piranha-like pet, Minion, sticks with him through thick and thin. And Megamind apologizes after hurting his pal's feelings. More significantly, Mega says he's sorry for the wrong he's done to the city.

Roxanne points out, "As long as there is evil, good will stand up to it." [Spoiler Warning] Her axiom is ultimately borne out when Megamind takes on the role of hero and stands up against an unexpected and overpowering evil—putting his life on the line for Roxanne and the residents of Metro City.

Spiritual Content

Those denizens of Metro City have an almost worshipful love of their hero Metro Man. And during one speech he uses his flight ability to appear to be walking on water.

After Megamind's victory, Minion mentions that his parents must be smiling down from "evil heaven." Mega creates a hero-making pill infused with the DNA of Metro and says it will give someone "god-like" powers.

Sexual Content

Roxanne's skintight outfits accentuate her overly voluptuous figure. The same goes for the guys' backsides, too. We see Metro Man in his bathrobe. Roxanne kisses Megamind.

Violent Content

As different superpowered characters fight, they kick up loads of boom-bang destruction. For instance, Megamind uses the sun's energy to blast Metro Man with an intense light ray. The resulting explosion demolishes a building and appears to reduce Metro Man to nothing but a skeleton. (We later find out that's just a trick.)

Later, Megamind uses Metro Man's DNA to turn Roxanne's hapless, overweight cameraman, Hal, into a buff superhero. But Hal surprises everyone and goes over to the dark side to avenge the countless slights he's received throughout his life. This new villain starts ripping up the city with his heat vision and superstrength.

Megamind also reduces characters to small cubes with a freeze-drying ray gun and threatens Roxanne with sharp, deadly looking weaponry. He employs tons of explosives to destroy a gigantic statue of Metro Man. As the movie opens (and closes), Megamind is tumbling from 80 stories up and reports that he's falling to his death. Minion uses a forget-me-stick, which is essentially a club that knocks his victims out cold.

Hal drops Roxanne from high up in the air to prove that he can rescue her. After his water tank breaks, Minion appears to go through death throes. (He instantly revives when Megamind tosses him in some water.)

Crude or Profane Language

"Freakin'," "good lord," "god," "gosh" and "crap nuggets" are examples of the film's sporadic interjections.

Drug and Alcohol Content

While at dinner, Roxanne and a disguised Megamind share a glass of champagne. Other restaurant patrons drink wine.

Other Negative Elements

To help emphasize his "evilness," Megamind points out his custom-made baby seal leather boots. To demonstrate his invulnerability, Hal gives himself a superwedgie by yanking up his own underwear. Megamind tells Hal that Roxanne won't find out his secret, saying, "That's the point of lying." One character threatens to "go all gangster" on another. The soundtrack includes the song "Highway to Hell" along with snippets from Ozzy Osbourne and Guns N' Roses.


The trend in live-action superhero pics, as of late, has been to examine the good guy's dark nature. In the animation universe, however, there appears to be an opposite mini-trend toward finding the bad guy's sunny side.

This past summer, Despicable Me featured a baddy who found the error in his ways. And while that earlier release was more creative, endearing and thoughtful than this one, Megamind, while giving nods to the likes of Superman and The Incredibles, has some of the same appeal.

There really aren't any supersized problems here to obliterate things, either. Roxanne's curves are emphasized. And at first there seems to be quite a bit of death-dealing in this bad-to-good tale as well. One of the characters appears to be without any convictions at all when it comes to deadly superpowered zapping. But, without giving too much away, I can say that problem, uh, ultimately comes out in the wash with no lives lost.

I'm also happy to report that the jokes stay good-natured and avoid other DreamWorks Animation productions' more problematic and flushable humor. The 3-D animation is crisp and fun.

Megamind wasn't born to be bad, no matter how much the film plays the song that insists he was. He's a superhero who gets supersidetracked ... and then gathers the courage to say he's sorry and pick the right path for a change

(Review from Focus on the Family

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our good word from God's Word

"Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid
tremble … for the LORD your God
is the one who
goes with you.He will not fail you or forsake you."

--Deuteronomy 31:6

Monday, February 21, 2011

Ranch Burgers

My husband's favorite burgers that I make
1lb hamburger
1 egg
2 pieces of toast, chopped finely
1 pkg ranch dressing mix
Sometimes some finely chopped onion

Mix all throughly. Form into patties and cook until done.

Variations are endless.... Different ranch spice packages, taco seasoning mix, etc.

Fortune cookie and Ball jar

Friday, February 18, 2011

History of Purple Canning Jars

When manufacturers produce glass, chemicals (clarifying agents) must be added to clarify the batch in order to turn it from its original color of aqua-blue or green to clear. Prior to the start of the First World War, manufacturers used Manganese Dioxide as their chemical agent of choice to clarify glass. When a jar or bottle turns purple from sunlight, manganese dioxide is the substance in the glass that reacts with sunlight to cause the color change. Russia was the primary source of this chemical.

When the First World War broke out, our source of manganese dioxide was cut off by German blockades. This sudden loss left glass manufacturers in a quandary and forced them to use another chemical, selenium, to clarify glass. After the close of the war, manufacturers did not return to the use of manganese dioxide. Selenium does not cause glass to react to sunlight like manganese does, thus glass clarified with selenium does not turn purple. Knowing this fact and the history above, collectors have another way to date their glass collectibles. If your jar is purple, it is a pretty good bet it was made before W.W.I.

I was fortunate enough to have purchased a purple Ball canning jar from an antique store last week for $3! Such a steal

All done....

all done with my little cupcake. 
add to the kids play food collection

Cupcake :)

My next project to attempt..
I am still working on a pillow to match my recent blanket....
but always need at least a couple projects going at the same time

Friday PluggedIn TV Review


Phineas and Ferb

Animated (in more ways than one) stepbrothers Phineas and Ferb are whiling away what may be the longest summer vacation ever. But their elaborate, reality-twisting plans are constantly under assault by their tattling older sister, Candace—who goes so far as to snitch on the boys for "making a title sequence" at the beginning of every show.

While the boys enjoy their seemingly endless summer break, their pet platypus, Perry, never takes a day off: Serving as a secret agent for the OWCA ("Organization Without a Cool Acronym"), Perry sneaks off to wage war against his nemesis, Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz. The resourceful platypus knows that eeeeviill never takes a coffee break, so neither can he.

Co-creators Dan Povenmire (formerly a writer for Fox's
Family Guy) and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh, unsuccessfully pitched the concept of Phineas and Ferb for 16 years before Disney finally took a chance on the show in 2007. Povenmire has described it as a cross between SpongeBob SquarePants and Family Guy—a kids' show that adults can enjoy, too, with a slew of hip cultural references and a catchy song each episode to keep things interesting.

"I think it's great that the characters are cool, edgy and clever without the humor being mean-spirited," Marsh told Animation World Network. "It was important to us that they never did anything with any animosity."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Loom knitting

I've been trying to find a pattern I like (and could follow) for awhile to make fingerless gloves. Well I finally used the trusted knitting loom to make a pair complete with a thumb loop on the inside. :)

Tangy Chicken Bake

1 rotisserie chicken
1 small jar apricot jam
1 soup mix pkg

Mix jam and soup mix together. Place chicken in casserole dish and pour jam mixture over chicken. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or until heated thru.

My great grandmother would make this recipe, yummmmmm

Friday, February 11, 2011

Friday Movie Review

Gnomeo & Juliet

Positive Elements

For all of the garden-grinding attacks the Montagues and Capulets unleash upon each other, ultimately Gnomeo and Juliet's love helps one and all to see that they can forgive and forget. Even though revenge is a big part of the action on display, the film points out the foolishness of that choice.

As for the lovers themselves, they both put their very breakable lives on the line for each other. When certain doom appears to be befalling them, Juliet pleads with Gnomeo to save himself. He, in turn, refuses to leave her side. They commit to each other and marry on top of a purple mower—its color symbolizing the peace the two groups have forged.

The pair also reaches out to protect and help friends in need. And the friends reciprocate. Juliet's dad may be a little thickheaded, but he truly believes he has his daughter's best interests at heart.

Sexual Content

A Dolly Parton-like gnome (voiced by the singer/actress) wears tight jeans and a cleavage-revealing flannel shirt. A male gnome is seen (a few times) wearing a skimpy, Borat-like swimsuit. After numerous stalled attempts, Gnomeo and Juliet eventually clink lips.

Violent Content

The gnomes go at each other with garden hoses and sticks in a number of clashes. Gnomes and other garden statuary are thumped and tumbled. A couple of gnomes race lawn mowers and smash them up. A revenge-seeking gnome fires up a 500 horsepower lawn tractor that literally rips down the fence, threatens dozens of garden residents and obliterates all the decorations—from fountains and lily ponds to statues and towers—in both yards.

It should be pointed out, however, that although there's quite a bit of smash-things-up rough-and-tumble here, we never see characters seriously hurt one another. (We certainly don't see any blood or gore!) A ceramic hat is broken off. A gnome hits a wall and shatters into bits. And another appears to be hit by a van. But none of these collisions and calamities are actually shown. (The shattered guy eventually appears again, glued together.)

Crude or Profane Language

A worked up Gnomeo spouts, "Let's go kick some grass!" After crossing two species of flowers, an inventor gnome labels his creation "Foxbutt." Another character uses "blasted," and two humans call each other "witch" and "idiot."

Drug and Alcohol Content

In the soundtrack, Elton John's song "Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)" sports the lyric, "Want to get a belly full of beer."

Other Negative Elements

After being called illiterate, the not-so-bright Redbrick responds with, "I'm not illiterate, my parents were married." When Juliet dons a sock for stealthy movement, her friend Lynette notices a bump in the back and says, "Nice junk in the trunk." Lynette also coos favorably over the fact that Gnomeo and Juliet have a "doomed" love. An exploring gnome falls out of a dryer and into a human's bra on the floor

(Review provided thru Focus on the Family movie reviews. Happy Friday

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dreaming on

Cardboard animal heads

Bee keychain

Newspaper purses

Stump ring

Crochet food

Crochet food is hilarious to me for some reason :) So here was my stab at making cookies for the kids.
An oreo, chocolate chip and suger

Oreo balls with white chocolate

My new favorite dessert. Possibilities are endless. Three ingredients, that I can follow

Oreo Balls
1 pkg Oreos
1 pkg cream cheese
1 pkg white chocolate chips

Softened cream cheese.  In a seperate bowl, crush oreos. Melt white chocolate over double-boiler. Mix cream cheese and crushed oreos until it forms a dough.  Roll into balls and dip into chocolate.

Knitting can be dangerous

Nov 29th is a day that I will always remember.
I was getting into the car with my craft bag on my shoulder. I lean in to get in the car and the bag hit the arm rest of the car. Chain reaction the knitting needles poked out of the bag and into my thigh..
2" inches deep, trip to the er via ambulance.. A good laugh for the next day
All was well after a day at home. The tetnus shot hurt more than the knitting needle!

My husband bought me new ones the next day with the promise I could not open them until I had caps. One of my wino friends gave me wine corks for the toppers. :)

Crazy Blanket

Feeling ambitous, I decided to try and make a crochet blanket. I used no pattern so its a little crooked, uneven, but full of color and unique

Recipe O' last night

My hubs and I always have the constant battle of "What do you want to eat for dinner?"
So we decided to just write on a calendar a Meal Plan for the month.  That way we can just look at the calendar and already know what we will be having. Makes choices so simple.

Last nights entree was from our local churches cookbook.

Veronica's concoction #2
1lb sausage
1 pkg pepperoni
1 pkg shredded mozzarella
1 small can tomato paste
1lb elbow macaroni
1 can Rotel tomatoes
1 green pepper
1 red pepper
1 large can crushed tomatoes

Cook sausage and peppers together. Cook pasta according to package directions. Mix all ingredients togehter and enjoy :)


I first learned about plarn when my mom made a tote bag. It is such a neat way to use plastic bags. Perfect for the beach!

Instructions to make plarn:
Lay recycled bag out flatBag1
Fold in half lengthwise then fold in half againBag2
Cut off top handlesBag3
Cut bag in strips about 1 inch wide or as desiredBag4
Set aside the end of bag where bottom edge was glued. The ends and the handles can be recycled either as stuffing for other projects, packing material for shipping, or taken to your local recycling bin for plastic bags.
Tying strips together
Take two strips and inter-twine together as shown
Gently pull on ends to knot two strips togetherBag7
Connect next strip to last strip in the same mannerbag8.JPG
Continue connecting strips until you have a large ball of plastic “yarn”bag9.JPG

My first plarn project

My very first crochet project

I self taught my self to crochet by watching YouTube videos and Lions Brand yarn videos.
My very first project was potholders.
A little crooked, but made a good laugh and learning experience